
DIY Lip Scrub Recipe

DIY Lip scrub in a small pink metal tin with pink tulips.

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Take better care of your lips and remove old skin cells using this DIY Lip Scrub Recipe. Made from all-natural ingredients and easy to put together, this lip scrub will find a permanent spot in your skincare routine. It also makes a fantastic gift for friends and family!


  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil, meltedĀ 
  • 12 drops of lavender essential oil*
  • 510 drops vitamin E oil**


  1. Combine all ingredients together in a small bowl.
  2. Divide into small canisters (I like these) or one small 2 oz mason jar.
  3. To Use: take a small amount of lip scrub using finger and apply to lips in a circular motion to remove any dead skin cells. Rinse and pat dry.
  4. Will keep for 3-6 months if stored in a cool location.

*optional or feel free to replace with a preferred essential oil.
**optional but helps to preserve lip scrub so it lasts longer and is very healing for lips.