Comments on: How to Get Rid of Shingles FAST! -where healthy meets living- Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:14:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Teresa Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:14:43 +0000 In reply to Lisa.

My MD told me that this is OK. Finish all of your antiviral.

By: Teresa Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:13:36 +0000 In reply to Julie Spencer.

first I’m sorry for your cancer diagnosis. I’m sure all feels surreal right now. I’m 62 now, but had an early stage non Hodgkins lymphoma diagnosis when I was 44. it’s very scary. You can do it.

Honestly, this is the most painful, weird feeling illness I’ve ever had. Best wishes to you

By: Teresa Sun, 10 Dec 2023 20:59:44 +0000 The biggest tip before talking about singles is to ‘know your body and trust your gut.

I had just had a side effect to an antibiotic during Thanksgiving. I could swallow, but as food or water moved down my esophagus it felt like it was clamped off and extremely painful. In 62 years this had never happened to me and was very startling. I couldn’t get over that for 5 days… very stressful. Next I had back pain that included the feeling of a knife stabbed into my back. at that point my senses were on alert. 3 or 4 days later I noticed a rash in the morning and shingles entered my mind. then the rash faded by end of day. 2 days of rashes and I called the MD and recd diagnosis.

take the antiviral
stay hydrated
you will be dizzy, so gather thing you may need so you don’t have to do steps

My rash has started to blister, so I know to keep the erupted blisters wet. just ordered the lemon balm salve.

By: Peggy Wed, 29 Mar 2023 19:01:54 +0000 In reply to Julie Spencer.

My name is Peggy. I came down with shingles on the right side of my face in October 2022.
I am still still dealing with the nerve pain. This article is great. I wished I had had it earlier.
My Dr put me on gabapentin 3x a day. This was a miracle drug for me! I didn’t have to take any pain medication when I took that. It is a nerve block drug.I hope this helps!

By: elizabeth Thu, 09 Feb 2023 19:19:38 +0000 Hi I realize this is a bit late, but you mentioned “huge zits” and I just wanted to inquire more about that. Did those zits on your forehead develop into the typical shingles presentation redish bump with tiny blisters? I ask because I diagnosed with this. I do have the standard presentation of redish bump with little blisters just below my brow, near my eye and a swollen lid. However, I also got “huge zits” on my forhead and same eyebrow and nose (all on the left side of my face), but they never fully transformed into the tiny blisters. They are or rather were large, red/angry looking and painful to touch. I have lots of nerve-like aches too. They are slowly getting smaller and healing up like the shingles patch near my eye. Just wondering if they are some weird inflamtion response to the shingles or they are shingles sans blisters. ha ha Weird question I know. -Elizabeth

By: Judy Thu, 20 Oct 2022 15:05:58 +0000 In reply to Judy.

This is update has been almost one year and I still have nerve issues with my side …and one spot that that looks like bug bite that never goes away.. wear softer fabric tops …. assuming nerves will not heal .

By: Julie Spencer Fri, 15 Jul 2022 18:42:15 +0000 I was diagnosed with shingles 4 days ago, I am 64 years old, back in may I was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer, and have a weakened immune system. Monday I had to have a breast MRI the pain started to shoot through my body, the pain is on the left-hand side, and a day or so before I was constantly itching on my left side, but thought I had been bitten. The pain is so severe my doctor thinks it’s attacking my left kidney, I am on Aciclovir medication as well as ibuprofen, and I feel extremely tired. Any suggestion to help relieve the pain would be appreciated. many thanks

By: Jonell Wed, 06 Jul 2022 16:48:59 +0000 Hello! This article was a great reference tool and truly appreciated in a time of shock and disbelief of dealing with facial shingles.. Since my eye was affected and swollen shut, my husband read it over and over to me! I am about 10 weeks post diagnosis. My forehead, eye, nose and scalp still have the nerve sensation and discomfort. Any recommendations on how to address to help with nerve healing? The brown spots remaining on the are starting to fade. Any suggestions for the cosmetic appearance?

By: Lisa Mon, 04 Jul 2022 12:18:51 +0000 Is it ok to take the doctor prescribed anti viral meds as well as advil? I was told it could cause kidney damage? I wanted to take L- lysine when I heard about it, but was told you can’t take it with anti viral meds because they fight each other. What do you think? I always prefer the more natural way but don’t know how to combine the prescribed antivirals with natural home remedies safely. I was also doing my usual healthy smoothies with my various seed mixture and was told that you shouldn’t eat nuts when you have shingles because it feeds the virus???

By: Marjorie Sat, 25 Jun 2022 17:31:12 +0000 Well I just want to THANK YOU so Very much for the advice about the Lemon Balm and THE SHINGLES cream they were a Gods Sent The tea was ok but the cream was the best and I mean Best for Shingles Thank You Thank You
I never in a million yas thought I would get these Shingles and let me tell you I would not wish this on my worst enemy. But I was lucky mine was on my left side in back of ear down to shoulder I was very lucky other than the Headaches I took 300mg of Gapapentin every 12 hours doctor perscribed because of nerve behind ear and advil in between as needed and the Shingles cream every evening after my shower and the rest is history Im feeling good now andits been 23 days since my digonist took away theear pain
