Comments on: Fresh Corn Salsa -where healthy meets living- Fri, 13 Sep 2024 17:41:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Davida Kugelmass Mon, 28 Jul 2014 13:46:17 +0000 In reply to Gabby @ the veggie nook.

I feel like it gave me more empathy lol

By: Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets Mon, 28 Jul 2014 01:49:39 +0000 Peas were my nemesis too. Still are actually.

I’m fascinated by the lime chips. Can’t wait to try them.

By: Nikki @ will run for pizza Mon, 28 Jul 2014 01:40:45 +0000 I could eat chips and salsa everyday. And I love making it myself. This salsa sounds/looks soooo good! And I would love to make my own corn chips too! P.S. Isn’t it funny how we always want something we don’t have?! I spent my childhood years (and probably my teenage years if I’m really wanting to embarrass myself) putting foil gum wrappers, and even sticks of gum, on my teeth because I wanted braces so bad! LOL Never needed them. (sorry) 😉

By: Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness Sun, 27 Jul 2014 02:42:21 +0000 This looks so fresh and easy! I have corn tortillas in my fridge right now and just may make these very soon 🙂

Foods definitely trigger memories for me too… On Easter when I was probably 11 or 12 I got sick and threw up after eating chocolate peanut butter cups, so I didn’t eat anything with a chocolate + peanut butter combo for like 5 years. What was I thinking?! I’ve been making up for those years ever since I began eating it again! Best.combo.ever.

By: Kim Sat, 26 Jul 2014 22:29:29 +0000 I used to have a much better memory than I do now. These days, I’m lucky to remember which of my boys is which!!! I don’t have a lot of memories from growing up (blocked for good reason:) but I do remember long trips when my parents were still married. We had 6 people in a car, too. And, my dad didn’t believe in spending money on a hotel so we often drove 24+ hours without a break and my twin brother threw-up in the car at least once on every single trip – good times!!!

By: Kat Sat, 26 Jul 2014 16:35:45 +0000 Its totally ok that Im more excited about the chips and not the salsa, right? Just saying…those chips need to be in my mouth, like right now. Not that the salsa doesn’t look good too! But those chips….calling my name!

By: Amanda @ Positively Amanda Sat, 26 Jul 2014 12:00:01 +0000 Yum! Homemade lime chips!

By: Consuelo - Honey & Figs Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:06:04 +0000 Oh I have a brilliant memory when it comes to food as well hehehehe good stuff is sooo hard to forget I guess. Now, if I happened to eat a bowl of these chips, I tell you that not in a million of years would I forget them. They look amaaaaaaaazing 😉

By: Helen @ Scrummy Lane Sat, 26 Jul 2014 05:30:31 +0000 I think I do have a pretty good memory, especially when it comes to food, like you! I have to say tho that it can also be pretty selective! Haha!
Wonderful-looking salsa. I really love the idea of making my own tortilla chips. Yours look very professional indeed!

By: Brittany Sat, 26 Jul 2014 01:25:42 +0000 THOSE CHIPPPPSS OMGGG. They look perfect, absolutely perfect. I actually don’t really like corn, but I will eat it in salsas and obviously in everything else it’s snuck into. I loved my braces, and I wanted them forever. I was totally butthurt when I only had to wear them for a year. I was an odd child…
